Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Self-perseverance is the first rule in nature......know thy self in all reflect mirror images back into your life. As the man thinketh so is his....look within for destiny of have to know who you are, for you can never get ahead of others if you don't know self........Game

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Life is amazing........I have always thought I wanted to be an entertainer, songwriter/singer/rapper. Then after trying out the industry, I chased other things....none working out for me. Now for the first time, I am building my voice and my business, forgive me for not posting constantly. I have been busy, but you guys and ladies are my private ears to my voice and memories........

There are things that of course I can't share:
A looooong time.....ago.......I thought I was in love and I thought he loved me...I was homeless and I thought that he would take care of me......I thought that I could trust children had to go live with there father. All I had left was a job that was paying penny's.......and slowly but surely the disrespect and abuse started......the conversations of me drunk......him telling me to dance.....sell my body......then came the locking me out the apartment I'm paying rent on.......then came the abuse.......the suicide attempts, the drug addictions......pill popping all to hide the pain.....the fights.......The self-abuse.......Then came me begging him to stop hurting me..never did he listen...I can remember him having his female company and him hiding me in the room or telling me I have to find somewhere to go for the night. It took me three years of going through hell and back and another three to totally erase him from my life.....forever and I did that.

Now it's eight years later and I never thought I would be HAPPY.

Friday, September 20, 2013

This is not my job........This is my Passion....some of my singing videos

Growing Pains.....

Never, in my Life.....would I have thought that I would have matured to this point in my life....I was brought up in a middle-class environment, good schools a great beginning but somewhere, down the line. It went wrong and I went through alot of pain......Life that I'm about to enter into the second stage in life. I am excited about all the new possibilities and the huge amount of growth I've made personally,

In my late teens till my late twenty's........I've suffered from severe depression, suicide attempts(Five)....I've been homeless....I was a teenage mother....I've sold dope...women...hustled and I fought my way through it all in my faith in god and the need to want to have more...and the feeling that I deserved more.....I'm writing this just to let people know...that we all make mistakes...we are all human...but you can change your life....your destiny is written by you...take the shit by the horns and own it....also with the help of youtube...endless amounts of videos on so many areas of knowledge and advice...I am advancing and growing as a woman and a business woman....

The ending result of my mistakes....I graduated from high-school, as well as college....I have had paralegal training as well as work experience......but that is so minor to what I am trying to build and achieve....welcome to my personal journey and my thoughts as well as memories.