Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Eye of the Tiger

I rarely have dreams..that I remeber
and even though I only remeber bits and pieces of this meant something so powerful that not only did it stick with me...the emotions that were felt during this dream were felt and remembered too. There have been many nights where I woke up in a sweat or fearful or angry.... But I am in tune with myself enough to know and understand......
When my mind and subconscious is trying to reach out to me.........the feeling was the most amazing thing ever....I woke up in my home and came downstairs like I always do. My children were right there with the tiger and they told me dont be afraid...but i still was hestitate and scared
but not in fear of my life but rather the power and size of this lion
Later I felt that the tiger would not harm me........I go back upstairs and there is an instant fear as I see my fiancee and his son approaching....the tiger instantly went to the door and prepared for attack...and that is when I woke up...I feel that the other things are just minor but the tiger is important....and who it tried to attack....that reason is sticking in my mind.........well just another day in this over thinking and crazy mind of mine....

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